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love affair 1.戀愛事件;風流韻事。2.強烈愛好。

love apple

The judge is said to have an illicit love affair with a film star 據說那個法官與一個電影明星私通。

They say that bears have love affairs *他們說熊也有風流事兒*

Her love affair remains a secret 她的風流韻事依然是個秘密。

She is coy about her love affairs 她對于她的戀愛情事很?腆。

You would have yourself a love affair 你會遭遇一段風流韻事

It ' s a film of triangular love affair 那是個三角戀愛的電影。

However , she is a sacred virgin and cannot have any love affair 圣女身分,不得不放棄男女之情。

Their love affair is an open secret 他們的風流韻事是公開的秘密

You would have yourself a love affair . . 你會遭遇一段風流韻事. .

Investigation of love affairs ' culture in danba 丹巴婚戀文化調查

- if love affairs you like - if love affairs you like *如果你喜歡風流韻事* *如果你喜歡風流韻事*

He ' s having an extramarital love affair with a colleague of his 他正與他的一位同事搞婚外戀。

America ' s love affair with the credit card began in 1949 美國從1949年開始盛行使用信用卡。

And long - distance love affairs that never go anywhere and - - 一成不變的長距離愛情還有。 。 。

And long - distance love affairs that never go anywhere and - 一成不變的長距離愛情還有。 。 。

God , it ' s like they ' re having a love affair 哦,好像是他們有愛的狂歡

It may be that you have many love affairs 你也有可能有許多風流韻事。

A love affair gone bad , gambling , criminal types 失敗的愛情,賭博,罪犯

If love affairs you like - if love affairs you like 如果你喜歡風流韻事如果你喜歡風流韻事